05 March 2008

Every Song Tells a Story U2 Crumbs from Your Table

This morning in English class I was asked to:
  • Find a song that was meaningful to me
  • Find and write down the verse that was most meaningful to me
  • Write about the overall meaning of the song
I decided to use a U2 song "Crumbs from Your Table" I probably went a little overboard but here is what I came up with. It's long but I encourage you to read it. I hope it inspires you to do something to make the world a better place.

“Where you live should not decide
whether you live or whether you die
three to a bed
Sister Ann, she said
‘Dignity passes by’”

Song: Crumbs from Your Table

Artist: U2

Lyrics by: www.u2.com

In this song Bono speaks of crumbs. Not as real crumbs but as the bare minimum, the crumbs, the leftovers. This song is directed at us the listener but also to large countries, countries that give the bare minimum to help make impoverished countries livable. This verse really speaks to me because it is the blatant truth. The first two lines “where you live should not decide whether you live or whether you die” That is blatant and the message is clear, something that us and countries like ours need to hear. These countries cannot go on this way people dying from treatable diseases, dirty water, and the like. There are ways to help and there is no reason not to.

There are many U2 songs that I could have used, I also considered using a song by Derek Webb that revolved around a different subject. I listened to a few songs to decide. This is the song that I immediately thought of, a song that can teach you something, a song played by a band that aren’t hypocrites a band led by a person who does something to help make places livable.

We get too caught up in our everyday lives and worry about trivial things when this should be one of our main concerns. While we’re worried about or computer that crashed or our cell phones not working if you look at a song like this and you look at statistics these things seem so trivial, so selfish. From now on when I take pictures with my six hundred dollar Nikon camera I’ll think about what a hypocrite I am that I say these things and I don’t do anything about it. I’m just a teenager but I can help. There are definitely ways that the worlds largest, and richest countries can give more than crumbs, more than the leftovers too small too eat, too small for anyone to care about. We can say that we believe that all men are created equal but when we overlook an entire group of people we are through our actions denying this and saying that all men on our economic level are equal.

This is a sad thing that must be changed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great Post Jordan!

This is a great song and I agree that the message is very powerful and convicting.

My favorite part of the song is:

"...You speak of signs and wonders
I need something other
I would believe if I was able
But I’m waiting on the crumbs from your table..."

I appreciate that he is willing to point out one of the major disconnects of the church.
We want to run around and "preach" about the spiritual while ignoring the great physical needs of the world.