07 March 2008

U2 3D Movie Review

Last night (6/3/08) I saw the U2 3D movie. This is some of the best 3D I have ever seen. They did a good job of not making it cheesy 3D. What I mean by this is they made the 3D show depth. I like the shots with mic stands in them. The mic stands really popped out at you and the Edge looked like he was actually there. My second favorite shot was when Bono was speaking of some things and he kind of drew some things in the air. I don't really know how to describe it but he drew these things in the air and they became animations. This was the best 3D I've seen. The shots where it looks like you are in the crowd are amazing. I like that they didn't play to the camera a whole lot it showed what it's actually like it didn't make you feel like you were watching a movie. This film makes you feel like you're there... almost. The only problem I have with this movie is that the energy level is so high and all I can do is sit in my seat and watch the movie. I liked almost everything about it. an awesome band and an awesome movie. Go see this movie!

Images courtesy of www.U2.com


Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome. Where did you see it?

Unknown said...

Agreed.. The 3d effect of U23D were some of the best ever. I wish I could have seen it in an IMAX like Andy did. But I waited to long and it was gone. Glad you like it.