03 March 2008

Be Kind Rewind Review and Summary

Last night (Sunday 2 March, 2008) I saw Be Kind Rewind. I liked it. I thought it would have been more funny to me if I knew all the movies they "sweded" (remade).
I had some knowledge but wasn't too familiar with the movies. They made remakes like Rush Hour 2, and Ghost Busters It was kind of Stupid. Not in a bad sense but in a jack Black humor kind of sense. There was a little more thought than I expected and a deeper storyline.

What is this Movie about

Jerry (Jack Black) somehow by and odd series of events get magnetized and erases an entire video store's catalog of movies. They then recreate these movies in there own style. While these movies are only twenty minutes they are bigger hits than the original.

So now the review.

The good things about this movie are it's story line and humor. Some of the bad is there is a bit of language and some questionable humor. The language wasn't much but there was a little. I was able to look past this stuff and was able to enjoy the movie. I would recommend this movie for teens and adults. I think a child could enjoy it but they probably won't get some of the humor because they most likely haven't seen the movies. My sister was still able to enjoy the movies but it probably wasn't as funny to her as it was for my parents and I. I do recommend it. Don't get me wrong it's not an Academy Awards film but it's an amusing little movie. The only tings I can compare it to are Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre'. Go see it or netflix it whichever you feel like.

Thanks for Reading

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool. I hadnt heard anything about it and if I hadnt been so tired I would have seen it with your guys. I will have to check it out =)