03 April 2008

A Crowded World From a Different Prospective

This will be published in next weeks WDW Peak Seasons newsletter check it out at wdwpeakseasons.com they also have a book WDW Peak Seasons Maximizing Your Disney Vacation. This is my second time writing for Scott and the WDW Peak Seasons newsletter and I look foreword to writing for the newsletter in the future. 

A Crowded World from a Different Prospective

This idea was sparked by a quick trip down to WDW with my family on the week after Easter. 

The Quick Trip Setup. 

It's Easter Sunday, we're at some friends house hanging out and playing games, we leave get in the car and my parents tell my sister and I to looking the trunk, what do ya' know there are suitcases and everything we need for a Disney vacation! They told us that we were taking a quick trip because our schedule is ridiculously busy for a couple months and we wouldn't have a lot of time to relax. So we set off for WDW very shocked and surprised. 

My Opinion on a Crowded Period

I've been there for peak seasons before but never Easter. I was expecting it to be similar to the other peak times, maybe even a bit less crowded than standard peak times but I believe this is one of the bigger peak seasons. I noticed the crowds first when we went to the Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot. Epcot has an enormous capacity so you know it's crowded when it's shoulder to shoulder crowds.

I've been there in June and I've been there in January but nothing can compare to the
Magic Kingdom during Easter. We got there in the night time around seven, and it was so crowded that when we went to Big Thunder Mountain the fastpass time was at midnight. I find that ridiculous. In an off peak time I could have waited in the standby line with a minimal fifteen minute wait but not during Easter. If you're there for Easter or any other time the Spectro Magic Parade is what can save you. Wait till everyone goes to watch the parade and you go enjoy the attractions.

One thing that bugged me was when my dad was trying to make some last minute dinning reservations. Okay, yes we should have made reservations a hundred and eighty days in advance but we didn't I really don't need to hear that again, back to the topic at hand. He was talking to the person on the reservation line and he asked about pricing for a restaurant or something and found out that there is "special" pricing for peak seasons. I don't know how I didn't know this but apparently it's happening. I wouldn't even mind it if they raised prices all around but it, for some reason bugs me when they raise prices for peak seasons only. That’s just something to keep in mind when planning your next peak season trip.

After going there during Easter and other peak times Easter would be towards the bottom of the desirable times list. I would rather go during Christmas when there is special stuff going on and I might even rather go in summer because of the crowds. It's redeeming quality is the weather. That is the on reason why I would go in eater over summer. I hate heat and humidity sure, I live in
Florida but I still hate the heat. My favorite time to go to WDW is February. I find February to be one of the least crowded times. I also enjoy it because it hits in between school breaks which is a great strategy for off peak planning.

Thanks for reading my opinions on traveling to WDW during Easter. Enjoy your next trip to Walt Disney World and don't forget to use WDW peak seasons for planning your trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So... going to WDW at Easter to relax.... how'd that work out for you? ;)

My family and I went for Easter one year when I was in 8th grade. I cant remember how crowded it was but I remember out easter baskets melted in the trunk =~(